Monday, October 24, 2016

Big River Crossing

I love it when something new comes to Memphis and I don't have to ask, "Wait, was that here when I lived here ten years ago?" I ask that question when I either don't remember whether it existed (because ten years), or I didn't take advantage of said cool thing back in the day.

The stuff that's truly new, not just new to me, is the best!

Like the Big River Crossing, which opened opened this weekend with fireworks and hundreds of eager walkers, cyclists, even a few roller skaters. The new pedestrian bridge sort of rides side-saddle along the Harahan Bridge. The first thing that struck me was the blending of old and new, the clean metal against the 100-year-old railroad truss. Throw in a cloudless blue sky and I was ready to take my first pass at the bridge!

The span is less than one mile across, but still the longest pedestrian bridge over the Mississippi River. It starts right off of Channel 3 Drive, just south of South Bluffs and stretches to the Arkansas side of the river parallel to two sets of train tracks. A couple of trains rumbled past while my friends and I strolled along taking pictures. I felt like I was in the way a lot because I couldn't stop looking up, down and all around, everywhere but the direction I was walking! It was just that blissful feeling of sunshine, cool breeze, amazing view and positive vibes coming from everyone on the bridge.

The view really is the best part of this experience. The bridge truly has a million dollar view of the city from the south, from the Hernando-Desoto Bridge, to the Bass Pro Pyramid, to the downtown skyline, all the way to Tom Lee Park.

Right now, there's a fantastic breeze up above the water and I imagine until the weather gets too cold, the Big River Crossing is going to be pretty busy! That said, everyone on the bridge Sunday was accommodating to walkers, bikers, and picture-takers alike. All in good spirits!


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